home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "menus.h"
- #include "graphics.h"
- #include "help.h"
- #include "environment.h"
- #include "print meat.h"
- #include "brlr load-save.h"
- #include "brlr.h"
- #include "text twiddling.h"
- #include "graphics dispatch.h"
- #include "window layer.h"
- #include "program globals.h"
- static MenuHandle gAppleMenu;
- static MenuHandle gFileMenu;
- static MenuHandle gEditMenu;
- static MenuHandle gOptionsMenu;
- enum
- {
- appleMenu = 400, fileMenu, editMenu, optionsMenu,
- aboutItem = 1, aboutMSGItem, otherMSGItem, helpPointerItem,
- newItem = 1, openItem, file_unused1, closeItem, saveItem, saveAsItem, file_unused2,
- pageSetupItem, printItem, file_unused3, quitItem,
- undoItem = 1, edit_unused0, cutItem, copyItem, pasteItem, clearItem, edit_unused1, selectAllItem,
- useBrailleItem = 1, useLettersItem, useGrade2Item
- };
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* internal stuff for menus.c */
- static void HandleAppleMenu(short menuItem);
- static void HandleFileMenu(short menuItem);
- static void HandleEditMenu(short menuItem, Boolean alreadyPassedThrough);
- static void HandleOptionsMenu(short menuItem);
- static void EDItem(MenuHandle theMenu, short theItem, Boolean theCondition);
- Boolean InitTheMenus(void)
- {
- Handle MBARHandle;
- if ((MBARHandle=GetNewMBar(400))==0L) /* sez which menus are in menu bar. */
- return FALSE;
- SetMenuBar(MBARHandle); /* set this to be THE menu bar to use. */
- if ((gAppleMenu=GetMHandle(appleMenu))==0L) /* GetNewMBar also got menu handles of */
- return FALSE;
- if ((gFileMenu=GetMHandle(fileMenu))==0L) /* every menu it includes, so just */
- return FALSE;
- if ((gEditMenu=GetMHandle(editMenu))==0L) /* grab these handles and assign them */
- return FALSE;
- if ((gOptionsMenu=GetMHandle(optionsMenu))==0L)
- return FALSE;
- AddResMenu(gAppleMenu, 'DRVR'); /* adds control panels to apple menu */
- AdjustMenus(); /* dim/enable/check/mark menus/items */
- DrawMenuBar(); /* draws the actual menu bar */
- return TRUE;
- }
- void AdjustMenus(void)
- {
- short kind;
- WindowPtr front, frontDoc, mainWindow;
- front=FrontWindow();
- kind=front ? ((WindowPeek)front)->windowKind : 0;
- frontDoc=GetFrontDocumentWindow();
- mainWindow=GetIndWindowPtr(kMainWindow);
- EDItem(gAppleMenu, 0, TRUE);
- EDItem(gAppleMenu, aboutItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gAppleMenu, aboutMSGItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gAppleMenu, otherMSGItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gAppleMenu, helpPointerItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, 0, TRUE);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, newItem, mainWindow==0L);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, openItem, mainWindow==0L);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, closeItem, front!=0L);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, saveItem, (mainWindow!=0L) && (WindowHasLayer(mainWindow)) &&
- (WindowIsModifiedQQ(mainWindow)));
- EDItem(gFileMenu, saveAsItem, mainWindow!=0L);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, pageSetupItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gFileMenu, printItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (WindowHasLayer(frontDoc)) &&
- (GetWindowTE(frontDoc)!=0L));
- EDItem(gFileMenu, quitItem, TRUE);
- EDItem(gEditMenu, 0, TRUE);
- EDItem(gEditMenu, undoItem, kind<0);
- EDItem(gEditMenu, cutItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (frontDoc==mainWindow) && (AnyHighlightedQQ(frontDoc)));
- EDItem(gEditMenu, copyItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (frontDoc==mainWindow) && (AnyHighlightedQQ(frontDoc)));
- EDItem(gEditMenu, pasteItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (frontDoc==mainWindow) && (AnyTextInScrapQQ()));
- EDItem(gEditMenu, clearItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (frontDoc==mainWindow) && (AnyHighlightedQQ(frontDoc)));
- EDItem(gEditMenu, selectAllItem, (frontDoc!=0L) && (frontDoc==mainWindow) && (AnyTextQQ(frontDoc)));
- EDItem(gOptionsMenu, 0, TRUE);
- EDItem(gOptionsMenu, useBrailleItem, mainWindow!=0L);
- EDItem(gOptionsMenu, useLettersItem, mainWindow!=0L);
- EDItem(gOptionsMenu, useGrade2Item, mainWindow!=0L);
- SetItemMark(gOptionsMenu, useBrailleItem, (gGrade==0) ? '◊' : noMark);
- SetItemMark(gOptionsMenu, useLettersItem, (gGrade==1) ? '◊' : noMark);
- SetItemMark(gOptionsMenu, useGrade2Item, (gGrade==2) ? '◊' : noMark);
- }
- void HandleMenu(long mSelect)
- {
- short menuID = HiWord(mSelect);
- short menuItem = LoWord(mSelect);
- switch (menuID)
- {
- case appleMenu:
- HandleAppleMenu(menuItem);
- break;
- case fileMenu:
- HandleFileMenu(menuItem);
- break;
- case editMenu:
- HandleEditMenu(menuItem, FALSE);
- break;
- case optionsMenu:
- HandleOptionsMenu(menuItem);
- break;
- }
- }
- void DoTheCloseThing(WindowPeek theWindow)
- /* a standard close procedure, called when "close" is chosen from File menu and when
- a window is closed through its close box */
- {
- short kind;
- if (theWindow==0L)
- return;
- kind = theWindow ? theWindow->windowKind : 0;
- if (kind<0) /* DA window or other system window */
- CloseDeskAcc(kind);
- else
- {
- if (WindowHasLayer((WindowPtr)theWindow))
- CloseTheWindow((WindowPtr)theWindow);
- else
- DisposeWindow((WindowPtr)theWindow);
- AdjustMenus();
- }
- }
- void HandleAppleMenu(short menuItem)
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- Str255 name;
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case aboutItem:
- if (!IndWindowExistsQQ(kAboutWindow))
- OpenTheIndWindow(kAboutWindow);
- else
- MySelectWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kAboutWindow));
- break;
- case aboutMSGItem:
- if (!IndWindowExistsQQ(kAboutMSGWindow))
- OpenTheIndWindow(kAboutMSGWindow);
- else
- MySelectWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kAboutMSGWindow));
- break;
- case otherMSGItem:
- if (!IndWindowExistsQQ(kOtherMSGWindow))
- OpenTheIndWindow(kOtherMSGWindow);
- else
- MySelectWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kOtherMSGWindow));
- break;
- case helpPointerItem:
- if (!IndWindowExistsQQ(kHelpWindow))
- OpenTheIndWindow(kHelpWindow);
- else
- MySelectWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kHelpWindow));
- break;
- default:
- if (menuItem > helpPointerItem+1)
- {
- GetPort(&savePort);
- GetItem(gAppleMenu, menuItem, name);
- OpenDeskAcc(name);
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void HandleFileMenu(short menuItem)
- {
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- TEHandle hTE;
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case newItem:
- OpenTheIndWindow(kMainWindow);
- break;
- case openItem:
- LoadSaveDispatch(TRUE, FALSE);
- break;
- case closeItem:
- if ((theWindow=GetFrontDocumentWindow())!=0L)
- DoTheCloseThing((WindowPeek)theWindow);
- else
- DoTheCloseThing((WindowPeek)FrontWindow());
- break;
- case saveItem:
- LoadSaveDispatch(FALSE, TRUE);
- break;
- case saveAsItem:
- LoadSaveDispatch(FALSE, FALSE);
- break;
- case pageSetupItem:
- RemoveHilitePatch();
- DoThePageSetup();
- InstallHilitePatch();
- break;
- case printItem:
- theWindow=GetFrontDocumentWindow();
- if (WindowHasLayer(theWindow))
- {
- hTE=GetWindowTE(theWindow);
- if (hTE!=0L)
- {
- RemoveHilitePatch();
- PrintText(hTE);
- InstallHilitePatch();
- }
- }
- else SysBeep(7);
- break;
- case quitItem:
- gDone=ShutDownTheProgram();
- break;
- }
- }
- void HandleEditMenu(short menuItem, Boolean alreadyPassedThrough)
- {
- short index;
- WindowPtr frontDoc;
- enum DispatchError resultCode;
- if (!alreadyPassedThrough)
- index=(gFrontWindowIsOurs) ? gFrontWindowIndex : -1;
- else
- {
- frontDoc=GetFrontDocumentWindow();
- index=(frontDoc!=0L) ? GetWindowIndex(frontDoc) : -1;
- }
- if (index>=0)
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case undoItem: resultCode=UndoDispatch(index); break;
- case cutItem: resultCode=CutDispatch(index); break;
- case copyItem: resultCode=CopyDispatch(index); break;
- case pasteItem: resultCode=PasteDispatch(index); break;
- case clearItem: resultCode=ClearDispatch(index); break;
- case selectAllItem: resultCode=SelectAllDispatch(index); break;
- default: resultCode=kSuccess; break;
- }
- if ((resultCode==kPassThrough) && (!alreadyPassedThrough))
- HandleEditMenu(menuItem, TRUE);
- }
- else SystemEdit(menuItem-1);
- }
- void HandleOptionsMenu(short menuItem)
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case useBrailleItem:
- gGrade=0;
- if (IndWindowExistsQQ(kFloatingWindow))
- CloseTheWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kFloatingWindow));
- break;
- case useLettersItem:
- gGrade=1;
- if (IndWindowExistsQQ(kFloatingWindow))
- CloseTheWindow(GetIndWindowPtr(kFloatingWindow));
- break;
- case useGrade2Item:
- gGrade=2;
- if (!IndWindowExistsQQ(kFloatingWindow))
- OpenTheIndWindow(kFloatingWindow);
- break;
- }
- AdjustMenus();
- }
- static void EDItem(MenuHandle theMenu, short theItem, Boolean theCondition)
- {
- if (theCondition)
- EnableItem(theMenu, theItem);
- else
- DisableItem(theMenu, theItem);
- }